Student Life » Technology » Device User Agreement

Device User Agreement

Device User Agreement:
Please read this entire document carefully.
This agreement is made effective upon receipt of Device, between Bayou Academy (“Bayou Academy”), the student receiving a device (“Student”), and the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian (“Parent”). The Student and Parent(s), in consideration of being provided with a Device, software, and related materials (the “Device”) for use while the Student is enrolled at Bayou Academy, hereby agree as follows:
1.1 Ownership: Bayou Academy retains sole right of ownership of the Device and grants permission to the Student to use the Device according to the guidelines set forth in this document and the Acceptable Use Policy. Moreover, Bayou Academy administrative staff retains the right to collect and/or inspect the Device at any time, including via electronic remote access; and to alter, add, or delete installed software or hardware.
1.2 Substitution of Equipment: In the event the Device is inoperable, Bayou Academy has a limited number of spare Devices (loaners) for use while the Device is repaired or replaced. This agreement remains in effect for such a substitute. The Student may not opt to keep a broken Device or to avoid using the Device due to loss or damage. If the Student forgets to bring his/her operable Device or a power adapter to school, a substitute may not be provided.
1.3 Responsibility for Electronic Data: The Student is solely responsible for any non- Bayou Academy installed software and for any data stored on the Device. It is the sole responsibility of the Student to backup all data as necessary. Bayou Academy does not accept responsibility for loss of any such data or for the Student’s own software.
The Student may choose a backup method of his/her choice. Bayou Academy recommends that the Student purchase an external hard drive and perform regular (daily or weekly) backups of data.
2 CUSTOMIZATIONS The Student is prohibited
From adding, removing, or altering files outside the user’s directory on the assigned Device unless authorized by the Technology Department. The user’s directory is considered /Users/jdoe where jdoe is the username of the Student.
From altering the physical appearance of the device (i.e., stickers, skins, etc.).
From covering, removing, or altering the asset tags that are placed on the Device.
Installing applications outside of Bayou Academy’s self service app. If the students desire an app that is not offered in the self service bundle of apps they may request access to free apps by emailing [email protected] with the app name.

The Student is permitted
To personalize the digital appearance of screen locks and wallpapers.
To install apps from the self service bundle of apps and arrange them in any order on digital pages.

3.1 Warranty for Equipment Defects:
All Devices come with a manufacturer’s warranty covering parts and labor. This warranty covers only damage to the device caused by manufacturer’s defects. Families incur no additional charges for repairs covered by warranty.
3.2 Responsibility for Damage:
The Student is responsible for maintaining a fully working device at all times. The Student shall use reasonable care to ensure that the device is not damaged. Refer to the Care Guide for your Device for a description of expected care. Where the damage occurs (on campus or off campus) does not affect the application of these policies. When damage occurs to the Device the Student and/or Parent(s) are responsible for Damage Repair Fees as outlined below.
3.3 Process of Determining Damage Repair Fees:
Anytime a repair is necessary or appropriate, the student will be required to pay a Damage Repair Fee.
The fee is calculated as follows:
Students will get 1 repair for  each school year covered under AppleCare+ this will be subject to a $60 deductible to pay for the service fee from Apple and shipping and handling.  Each additional repair during a school year will be subject to a $260 service fee since AppleCare+ only covers 1 repair during a 12 month period.
First repair $60
Second repair $260
Third repair $260
Fourth repair $260
Fifth repair full price replacement

3.4 Repair Procedure:
In order to have the Device repaired, the Student will take the Device to the Bayou Academy Tech Center. Under no circumstance should the Student take the Device to a third party repair location, including the Apple Store. The Device will be assessed, and if further repair is required, a loaner Device will be issued to the Student. The Student's Device will be repaired in-house or sent out for repair. The Tech Center will e-mail the Student's parent(s) to inform them that a repair is being performed and amount of the repair fee. Once the device is ready to be picked up, an e-mail will be sent to the Student and parent(s). After this notice is sent, the Student will have four business days to exchange the loaner Device for his/her own rental and to pay any fees associated with the repair.
3.5 Technical Support and Repair:
Bayou Academy will make technical support, maintenance, and repair available at the Bayou Academy Tech Center.
3.6 Negligence:
Bayou Academy reserves the right to charge the Student and Parent the full cost for repair or replacement when damage occurs due to negligence. Examples of negligence include by are not limited to:
Using the Device in an unsafe manner
Deliberately neglecting the Device

3.7 Responsibility for Loss
In the event the Device is lost, stolen or destroyed, the Student and/or Parent(s) are responsible for the full replacement cost of the Device.
Destroyed, as used herein, is defined as follows: when a Device is damaged to such an extent that the total cost of repairs exceeds the value of the Device immediately prior to the damage.
Replacement cost is determined at the time of the loss and is defined as follows: the current cost of replacing the Device with a new one of equal effectiveness.
All replacement cost must be paid within four days of the loss and prior to the Student receiving a replacement Device. Where the loss, theft or destruction occurs (on campus or off campus) does not affect the application of these policies.
Actions Required in the Event of Damage or Loss:
If the Device is damaged, lost, stolen or destroyed the Student must report the problem immediately to the Bayou Academy Tech Center. If your Device is covered by insurance, please contact your insurance carrier immediately to ensure prompt compliance with all terms and conditions thereof.
Students are responsible for maintaining a fully working Device at all times. The Student shall use reasonable care to be sure that the Device is not lost, stolen, or damaged. Such care includes
Not leaving equipment in an unlocked car or unlocked home.
Not leaving equipment unattended or unlocked while at school or elsewhere.
Not lending equipment to anyone except the Student’s parents.
Not using equipment in an unsafe environment.
Students must keep the Device attended (with Student or within a secured classroom) at all times. Devices left in bags in hallways or other locations on campus are considered “unattended” and may be confiscated by faculty or staff as a protection against theft. If the Device is confiscated, the Student will receive a warning and/or disciplinary action before getting the Device back.