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BA Leadership

School Administration Leadership Team

will reed headshotWill Reed, Interim Head of School, c/o 2004

Email: [email protected]
Spouse: Callie Short Reed (c/o 2004)
Children: Addie Jane, Layla, and Alex
Education: MDCC/Mississippi College
Years in Education: Since 2009
Enjoys most about teaching:  Seeing kids grasp the concept and get the AH-HA moment.
Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: Colossians 3:23



will reed headshot

Wesley Aldridge,  Elementary Principal

Email: [email protected]
Spouse:  Lainey Aldridge
Children:  Reed, Rowan, John Rutlyn, & Mary Wesley
Education: Delta State University, Mississippi College
Years in Education:  Since 2016
Enjoys most about teaching: Building relationships with the students & staff.
Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3: 5-6






flip godfrey headshotFlip Godfrey, Athletic Director

Email: [email protected]
Spouse: Dawn Godfrey
Children: Rance Godfrey, Hamp Godfrey, & Denver Wilson
Education: BSE, Delta State University
Enjoys most about teaching:  The relationships with the players and the students.
Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: "Tough times don't last, tough people do."


kacie davis headshot

Kacie Davis, Director of Advancement

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Spouse: Judd Davis (c/o 2003)
Children: Caroline, Amelia, Walker, Kate, & Whalen
Education: Mississippi State University
Enjoys most about working at Bayou: I love being on the same schedule as my children and working to better our community. I love the people I work with and come in contact with here.  Everyone has the same goal - to make Bayou Academy better for those who will pass through these doors for years to come!
Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18


caroline hill headshot

Caroline Hill, Licensed Professional Counselor

Email: [email protected]
Spouse: Glenn Hill
Children: Robbie & Susanna Hill, Jared & LeeAnna Rhyne, & Ashlin Hill (c/o 2025)

Grandchildren: Eva, Robert Thomas, Lillie, Emery
Education: Psychology Degree from William Carey College and Masters Degree in Counseling from Delta State University, Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Years in Education: Began in 2015
Enjoys most about working at Bayou Academy: Building relationships with students to help impact them in a positive way.   

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: "From the ends of the earth, I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." - Psalm 61:2





will reed headshotRebekkah Arant, Academic Dean

Email: [email protected]
Spouse: David Arant
Children: Carver, Walker, & Hunter
Education: Mississippi State University
Years in Education: Since 2014
Enjoys most about teaching:  It is a joy to get to know students and to share my passion for learning. I also love that no two days are the same and that I get to work with an amazing team!

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: Psalm 19: 7-11; 14




mary parkerMary Parker Redditt, Director of Development

Email: [email protected]
Spouse: Ryan Redditt (c/o 2010)
Children: John Redditt
Education: Bachelors in Business Administration, University of Mississippi 2017
Masters in Integrated Marketing Communications, University of Mississippi, 2023

Enjoys most about  working at Bayou Academy:  I love working with the faculty and staff to create the best learning environment and opportunities for our students

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: Proverbs 31:25-26 "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."





deeDee Haynes, Dean of Students

Email: [email protected]
Spouse: Gina Haynes
Children: Turner Haynes (c/o 2024)
Education: Undergrad - BS Exercise Science from Delta State University 
Graduate - MS Health Education from Delta State University 

Enjoys most about teaching/coaching:  "Being able to give back to students a little bit of what was poured into me over the years.  Striving to make a positive impact on someone’s life is an awesome thing."

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: Revelation 1:8 - “I am the Alpha and Omega,” says the Lord God. “The One who is, who was, and who is coming, the Almighty."



callieCallie Towles, Athletic Correspondent

Email: a[email protected] 
Spouse: Allen Towles (c/o 1999)
Children: Campbell Towles (c/o 2024), Caroline Towles, & Lawson Towles
Education: Bachelor of Business Marketing

Enjoys most about  working at Bayou Academy: Having the opportunity to teach students useful skills and life lessons. 

Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” -- Joshua 1:9

Business Administration


Gina Jones, Director of Finance

Spouse: Keith Jones (c/o 1989)
Children: Levi Jones (c/o 2025), Wyatt Jones
Enjoys most about working at Bayou Academy: I enjoy being near my boys!
Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: "The devil is a master of disguise and takes on many forms.  He comes to conquer you, steal your joy, kill your spirit and destroy your faith.  When you are doing right, he attacks you from the left.  But know that God is all powerful and God is in you, and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper." --C.L. Hall

Shellie Steadman, Business Manager

Children: Les Steadman (c/o 2014), Timothy Steadman (c/o 2017), & Lindsey Steadman (c/o 2017)
Enjoys most about working at Bayou Academy: I most enjoy the family atmosphere and the great people I am blessed to work alongside.
Favorite Quote or Bible Verse: Jeremiah 29:11

Board of Trustees

Amanda Turner President [email protected]
Jeff Lusk Vice President [email protected]
Holly Sanders Secretary [email protected]
Brett Marchant   [email protected]
Andy Lee   [email protected]
Brian Robinson   [email protected]
Clint Davis   [email protected] 
Michael Lott   [email protected] 
Susannah Wessel   [email protected]

Foundation Board of Directors

Candy Davis Chair [email protected]
Mary Elizabeth Jeffreys Secretary [email protected]
Kyle Smith Vice Chair [email protected] 
David Arant   [email protected] 
Michael Aguzzi   [email protected] 
Rae Crews   [email protected] 
Kate Hood   [email protected] 
Ann Nowell
  [email protected] 
Colby Spradling
  [email protected] 
Emily Havens
Advisory Member [email protected] 
Mary Parker Redditt
Director of Development [email protected] 

Patrons League Board

Lainey Aldridge President
Heather Walker Vice President/Fundraising Chair [email protected]  
Nicole Saxon Secretary [email protected] 
Cindy Mounce Treasurer [email protected] 
Paige Livingston Volunteer Chair [email protected] 
Dallas Bright Athletic Liaison [email protected] 
Lawson Melton Member at Large [email protected] 
Naomi Jennings Faculty Representative [email protected] 
Callie Towles Athletic Coordinator [email protected] 
Mary Parker Redditt Director of Development [email protected] 
Gina Jones Director of Finance [email protected] 
Will Reed Interim Head of School [email protected]